Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I want to say Hi :)

I want to say hi.

There are lots more people viewing my little crochet blog these days, that I want to say HI to everyone! Welcome to my corner of the internettywebbytubes!

This isn't a very crochet post, but I'll find something nifty to put up, I promise!

When I started my blog 7 months ago, it was my 2nd real attempt at a blog. I liked the idea of Tumblr, but couldn't really get it going how I wanted. I used to keep up with my first blog A City Girl Gone Country by dizzylizzybee, and that blog was started with the best of intentions!! But life intervined, and I never quite managed to achieve in moving to the country what I wanted to write about (what living on a big block of land was like, what having chickens was like, etc). Our move took about 8 months longer than I hoped, so it started to turn into more of a cooking blog (with one post being more massively successful than any other) and I wish to go back there one day. THIS blog started because I read about a craft blog where the girl (a local Melbourne girl) had posted a NEW and DIFFERENT craft project every single day last year. I thought that was an amazing effort. So with that idea, I thought "I want to post something to a blog every day" and combined with my love of crochet, One Square At A Time was born. I have a project that I wanted to finish, and a book of squares I wanted to work my way through (since I had my favourites and never seemed to move past those), so that was the reasoning behind OSAAT.

Well, my beautiful blanket for a beautiful friend is still in pieces, I haven't been able to work my way through the book (Jan Eaton's 200 Crochet Squares), and getting the flu for the first time in 15 years has meant I've missed posting on about 10 days in July.

But this blog has made me grow with my crochet. Because of searching out for new crochet things, I discovered a Crochet-Along project that Spotlight are hosting through their Facebook page which led me to join the most marvelous group, "Krista" Crochet Group. There are so many of us on their now, it's quite startling. I've discovered new ways of crocheting: new stitches, new patterns, new blocks from that book, new joining methods. I've tried to teach crochet for the first time, and am delighted in another friend's journey into starting to crochet (and she's doing so well!). I've recently written my first negative review, but still found something positive to say. I've cheekily shown you sewing projects that have nothing to do with crochet and have had to share the idea of a Sally Day (featuring Sally The Cutest Westie).

So, thank you for visiting my corner :)

Have some pincushions :) 

(Another beautiful pincusion, pattern available from Ravelry )

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